Well its Hump Day and if your like me you have probably been hand humping all week long. How about switching it up a touch and having a sexy phone sex shemale namely myself whispering all sort of naughty things in your ear. Like what I would have you do with my delightful hard cock if it was right there in front of you.
Come on we both know you have been craving some thick dick meat between your lips for some time. Instead of closing those eyes and dreaming about what you would do with a cock let me tell you. I can easily be that dominant shemale you been desiring that will push you to suck some thick cock. Or perhaps you like it when I am that girl with a touch of mystery under her skirt. Let you be all surprised by whats going on under my skirt?
Either way your completely enthralled with that wonderful 7.5 inches of cut throbbing goodness I have nestled between my legs.
Oh you didnt imagine it to be so big?
Well you will be wishing it was bigger once you start licking and sucking it back. Either way think it would be a delightful evening of you sucking back this sexy phone sex shemale’s cock. There is nothing I love more than someone that a man’s lips wrapped around my dick.
The number to reach me is 1-888-739-9350 just ask for Dru
Its a new number but still the same amazing dick Dru just in case you were wondering. All those nasty things you called me for before still goes. 1-888-739-9350 is the number once again.