Do you have a bi curious phone sex fantasy? The easiest way to do that is with me, a shemale. I have the best of both worlds, baby. I can give you all that you need and so, so much more. My body has everything that you need to satisfy every last need and desire that you possess. I have such a pretty face, nice tits with tiny nipples, and a hard cock just waiting for you. Or, I have a tight asshole you can play with, too. Just bend me over and I’ll look over my shoulder at you. It’ll be just like fucking a girl up the ass doggy style. What would be the difference? I moan and talk like a woman.
You know you’re craving to try it out, baby. You want this dick in your mouth and/or up your own asshole. You’re a kinky fucker who needs to let his fantasies and wild side out. You might be on your knees sucking my throbbing cock, but you’ll be looking up at a feminine face. It wouldn’t be that much of a stretch, especially if you like getting pegged. You’re a dirty perv, don’t lie to me. Lie to your wife/girlfriend or your friends but don’t lie to me. You know you’d rather be the one bent over. You know you want, no, need, to feel the difference between a fake dildo and the real thing.
Give me a call for some dirty bi curious phone sex, baby. You won’t regret a single moment we spend together. I’ll rock your world so hard. No one will know. It’ll be our little secret. Well, maybe big secret because I cum a lot. Should I fill up your ass? Let’s see how much cum I can milk out of you.